Justice Of The Peace: A Help Guide


The Ministry, through its Public Law Restorative and Preventative Justice Unit, administers the services of Justices of the Peace (JPs). A JP is a person of unquestionable integrity dedicated to promoting and protecting the rights of individuals. Originating in England in 1361, the role of a JP is to guard the “King’s (Sovereign’s) peace.” In Jamaica, JPs are governed by The Justices of the Peace Act, 2018, and other critical legislation such as The Justices of the Peace Jurisdiction Act, The Spirit Licence Act, The Bail Act, and The Law Reform (Zones of Special Operations) (Special Security and Community Development Measures) Act.

Functions of a Justice of the Peace

A JP serves the public in various capacities, including:

  • Document Authentication: Attesting and authenticating documents under the official seal (e.g., passport forms, passport-size pictures, banking applications).
  • Judicial Functions: Performing judicial functions in Parish Courts or Lay Magistrates’ Courts and presiding in Children’s Courts.
  • Court Attendance: Attending Children’s Courts and Drug Court sessions.
  • Bail Applications: Considering applications for bail.
  • Institution Visits: Visiting prisons, lock-ups, children’s homes, and homes for the aged.
  • Licensing Authority: Serving on the Licensing Authority for spirit licenses (other than wholesale and occasional licenses).
  • Counsel and Advice: Providing counsel and advice to the community.

Voluntary Service

The office of a JP is voluntary. JPs are not permitted to request or accept any reward or payment for their services.

Applying to Become a Justice of the Peace

To apply, download the application form and submit the completed form to the Custos of your parish.

Criteria for Appointment:

  • Be a Jamaican citizen residing in Jamaica at the time of appointment.
  • Be able to read and write in English.
  • Be at least twenty-three (23) years old.
  • Possess unquestionable integrity, command respect and confidence within the community, and have a history of good service to the community or Jamaica, with the potential to continue such service.

Selection Process:

  1. Any citizen, club, organization, or body can apply in writing to the Custos Rotulorum of the parish where the applicant resides or works.
  2. The Custos may request a background check by a member of the Jamaica Constabulary Force (rank of inspector or above).
  3. The Custos submits the application to the Advisory Committee, which includes:
    • The Custos
    • The most senior Parish Court Judge or a nominee
    • A Senior Police Officer (rank of Deputy Superintendent or above)
    • Other approved persons
  4. The Advisory Committee recommends suitable candidates to the Minister.
  5. The Minister ensures the candidates undergo training at the Justice Training Institute (JTI).
  6. The Minister recommends the candidates to the Governor-General for appointment.
  7. Each appointment is by Commission under the auspices of the Custos of the parish. The JP is issued the Instruments of Office and an official seal.

Conduct of a Justice of the Peace

JPs are governed by a Code of Conduct outlined in the First Schedule of the Justices of the Peace Act, 2018. By taking the Oath of Office at commissioning, a JP undertakes to “well and truly serve the Office of Justice of the Peace.”

This guide provides an overview of the role, functions, and application process for becoming a Justice of the Peace in Jamaica, reflecting the commitment to integrity and community service that is central to the office.