Justice of the Peace



A Justice of the Peace (JP) is a special person in the community chosen to help others. They are respected and trusted because they are honest and fair. In Jamaica, a JP has several important jobs, including:

  1. Helping with Important Papers: If someone needs to sign or prove a document is real, a JP can do that.
  2. Helping Solve Problems: JPs can listen to people who have small arguments and help them work things out peacefully.
  3. Checking on People in Jail: JPs visit police stations to make sure people in lock-ups are treated fairly.
  4. Helping in Court: Sometimes, JPs assist judges with small cases or help decide what’s fair.
  5. Giving Advice: People can go to a JP for guidance when they have problems.

A JP does not get paid for their work—they do it to help their community. This is why they are seen as kind and helpful leaders.

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